Thousands of people make money online every day. The easiest approach to making money online is affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing you do not need to invest a lot into starting your own onlne business. All you need is a web site, good imagination, and the drive to succeed.

Affiliate marketers (affiliates) are Internet marketers that promote products and get paid when the product they promote sells. There are a number of places where you can look for products to promote and is one of them.

In fact, ClickBank is a very popular marketing service and the largest distributor of digital products. The ClickBank Marketplace contains thousands of ready to promote digital products. Some of those products are very good while other are not that good to say the least. And it is very difficult to tell about the quality of a product judging only by the product's sales pitch page.

Probably, the most difficult part of affiliate marketing is to find a product that sells well. Finding products that are of high quality, sells well, and profitable takes a lot of time, money, and effort.